Welcome to the official website of

Thakali Sewa Samiti Australia inc.


Thakali Sewa Samiti Australia INC is a non-for-profit representative body of indigenous people from Nepal of THAKALI origin and now  residing in Australia. It was founded in year 2003 under the leadership of Mr Sudip Gauchan  with his small but very dedicated team of Thakalis.

हिमालपारीको जिल्ला भनेर चिनिने मुस्ताङ जिल्लाको दक्षिणी भू-भाग धवलागिरी, निलगिरी हिमालको काखैमा कालीगण्डकी नदीको सेरोफेरो, उत्तरमा-छैरोचे,कालीवदार,गुराँसे डाँडा, दक्षिणमा- बाँदरज्यूङ पहाडको तुरतुरेपानी,पूर्वमा- चिमाङ खोला, पश्चिममा- दहबुकी,सुनछहरा,मुलीक्हाङ यती चार किल्ला भित्रको अवस्थित करिव ९५०.९४ वर्गकिलोमिटर भित्र फैलिएको भू-भाग अन्तरगत १३ गाँउहरूलाई थाक सातसय वा थाकखोला भनिन्छ र यहाँ बसोबास गर्ने आदिवासी जनजाति गौचन, तुलाचन,शेरचन र भट्टचनलाई थकाली भनिन्छ ।

Upcoming events

Annual General Meeting - 2022

AGM is set to be held on Sunday the 21st of August 2022. For further details keep an eye out for our facebook and Viber group update.

Toranlha Running Cup 2022 - Sponsor Partners

membership of Thakali Sewa Samiti Australia inc

Membership application will only be accepted from person of Thakali origin with surnames GAUCHAN, SHERCHAN, TULACHAN and BHATTACHAN who are currently residing in any region of Australia.