ABout us


Thakali Sewa Samiti Australia INC is a non-for-profit representative body of indigenous people from Nepal of THAKALI origin and now  residing in Australia. It was founded in year 2003 under the leadership of Mr Sudip Gauchan  with his small but very dedicated team of Thakalis.

Although, the association has been serving Thakali community of Australia since 2003, it was formally registered with Fair Trading NSW on 16 September 2008 under the name  THAKALI SEWA SAMITI AUSTRALIA INC, Tha. Se. Sa. Australia in short form.

हिमालपारीको जिल्ला भनेर चिनिने मुस्ताङ जिल्लाको दक्षिणी भू-भाग धवलागिरी, निलगिरी हिमालको काखैमा कालीगण्डकी नदीको सेरोफेरो, उत्तरमा-छैरोचे,कालीवदार,गुराँसे डाँडा, दक्षिणमा- बाँदरज्यूङ पहाडको तुरतुरेपानी,पूर्वमा- चिमाङ खोला, पश्चिममा- दहबुकी,सुनछहरा,मुलीक्हाङ यती चार किल्ला भित्रको अवस्थित करिव ९५०.९४ वर्गकिलोमिटर भित्र फैलिएको भू-भाग अन्तरगत १३ गाँउहरूलाई थाक सातसय वा थाकखोला भनिन्छ र यहाँ बसोबास गर्ने आदिवासी जनजाति गौचन, तुलाचन,शेरचन र भट्टचनलाई थकाली भनिन्छ ।

membership of Thakali Sewa Samiti Australia inc

Membership application will only be accepted from person of Thakali origin with surnames GAUCHAN, SHERCHAN, TULACHAN and BHATTACHAN who are currently residing in any region of Australia.

Aim & Objectives

a. To generate awareness about the social and cultural values of Thakali amongst THAKALIS living in Australia.

b. To unify all THAKALI residing in Australia and promote social and cultural values of cooperativeness among THAKALI members.

c. To promote leadership and professional building amongst THAKALI members and encourage and support their endeavors.

d. To establish and maintain good relations with other community organizations, government and non-government bodies within Australia.

e. To protect, conserve and promote thakali’s ethnic identity, customs, rites, cultural and traditional rituals and values including thakali language.

membership of Thakali Sewa Samiti Australia inc

Membership application will only be accepted from person of Thakali origin with surnames GAUCHAN, SHERCHAN, TULACHAN and BHATTACHAN who are currently residing in any region of Australia. 

"Alone, we can do so little;
Together, we can do so much"
- Helen Keller

We cherish our thakali heritage and promote our tradition and culture.

What We Do

Promote Culture and traditions

Celebrate festivals and rituals

Unite and Support/Welfare

Raise awareness and education

Bridge Gap

Build Network

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